
About Protean eGOV Technologies Limited

Protean was originally set up under the Depositories Act as a Market Infrastructure Institution (MII) to establish the first Central Securities Depository (CSD) in India in 1996, in line with the Government’s strategic objective to transform the Indian Capital Markets and enhance investor confidence by providing transparency and efficiency. It was promoted by marquee Public Sector Institutions namely, the Strategic Investment arm of the National Stock Exchange and a Specified Undertaking of UTI. As part of its journey of over 25 years of closely working with the Government of India and various State Governments the company took a strategic call to diversify beyond depository services, into providing and implementing e-governance solutions for the nation. Our major projects include a complete modernization of the tax Infrastructure in India by establishing the Tax Information Network(TIN) and issuance of PAN cards on behalf of the Income Tax Department. We facilitate the ‘identity layer’ aspect of India Stack and have been engaged by financial institutions to integrate our eKYC, e-Sign and Aadhaar services with their existing systems for verification, documentation and authentication. In our efforts to extend our capabilities beyond boundaries, we are delighted to share that the Ministry of External Affairs has shortlisted our Company under the ‘Brand India Digital Initiative’ to promote India’s capabilities globally.
Contact Us
1st Floor, Times Tower, Kamala Mills Compound, Lower Parel, Mumbai, MH, Republic of India

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