IriTech, Inc.
IriShield-USB BK2121U
The IriShield Series features IriTech’s superior iris matching and iris image quality assessment algorithms to provide good quality images and avoid false positives while maximizing true positive identification rates.
  • Cost-effective
  • Supporting power management functions
  • FREE Software Development Kit (SDK)
  • an automated iris capturing process which can capture qualified iris images within seconds.
  • an K7 Iris Record Generator where segmented components of the eyes are cropped, masked and formatted in a standardized format compliant to ISO/IEC 19794-6:2011. Iris component is further processed to retain its original texture as much as possible when highly compressed to meet the size requirements imposed by several markets. For example, the Indian government requests that K7 iris records must be compressed to 3.5KB yet guarantee the low FRR in their servers.
  • an optional on-board iris recognition service and a local database, which has the capability to do enrollment, deduplication, identification, verification on 1000 irises by default and extended up to 10,000 irises.
  • an PKI Security Processor, where sensitive data transmitted to the outside or into IriShield are encrypted and signed using the strongest symmetric and asymmetric cryptography algorithms.
Manufacturer : IriTech, Inc.
Status of MOSIP-Compliance : Compliant

About IriTech, Inc.

IriTech, Inc. was established in 2000 in the USA with the ultimate goals to first develop the most advanced iris recognition technology and products and then make them ubiquitous, i.e., affordable for a vast majority of consumers. Currently, IriTech provides a full range of iris recognition technology, ranging from high-quality “enrollment” cameras and portable yet powerful "authentication" cameras to top-notch server matching software and cost-effective cloud-based iris recognition service. Its target customers include government agencies, biometric device manufacturers, system integrators, and OEM product developers around the world. Official Webite: Postal Address: IriTech, Inc., 11166 Fairfax Blvd., Suite 302, Fairfax, VA 22030, USA

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